Premium Herb Grinder

Premium herb grinders are mainly used to not waste precious hemp but to break them down into a uniform texture providing the best spirit. It is the best way to enjoy a good smoking experience.

Styles Of Grinders

  1. Two-piece Grinders: It consists of two parts: a grinding section and a cover. They are the most needed when a person is on the road, exploring. Also, they have no separate room for pollen or kief of hemp.
  2. Three-piece Grinders: They are similar to two-piece grinders with an additional compartment for the herb. Here, the pollen needs to be tiny enough to pass through the holes of the compartment. It is more practical and preferable since there is no risk of tossing unused herbs.
  3. Four-piece Grinders: Usually these are the most recommended grinders. The biggest advantage is the separate arena for gathering kief/pollen with a ground bud compartment.Premium herb grinders

How to use a weed grinder?

  1. Open the top lid and slowly place the bundle of herbs inside it. If needed, use your hands to break the bigger chunks, but inside the grinder bowl not towards the edges. Also, do not place the particles in the center directly, since it’s where the magnet pivots are, nothing will be shredded.
  2. Put the top lid back on and give it a good rotation of your wish clockwise or anti-clockwise. Continue doing it, until you find all the buds falling through the grounded herb.
  3. Next, remove the top lid and push the leftover particles gently to the side to loosen up the stuck piece in the teeth.
  4. Unscrew the compartment having the teeth to pull up the basket layer of the fresh grounded cannabis.
  5. Pull out the desired amount of herbs you wish to use from the bottom chamber and load it in your pipe, vaporizer, or joint as per your requirement.

Note: Over time, the grinder might cause difficulty in rotating, which indicates the need of cleansing it. The cleaning could be done with isopropyl alcohol, warm water, and some salt to rub the machinery parts and free it from greasiness.


Therefore, a grinder is a must for the best vaping experience. You wouldn’t enjoy your joint or vape without it, because the level of satisfaction and excellence of smoke would be lacking. Also, herb grinders save one’s time by eliminating the hassle of combining herbs. That’s why they should be a part of your kit. Visit to know more.